EEOC Complaint form
03/16/2022 - 0.13MB
This is the form to file an EEO complaint with the Union
EEOC Complaint Process
03/16/2022 - 1.11MB
This is a guide from the Department of the Army for EEO complaints
Electronic investigation guide
03/16/2022 - 0.61MB
This gives guidance on the Electronic EEOC investigation process
EEO Management Directive for 29 C.F.R.
03/16/2022 - 1.71MB
This speaks about the EEO processes including ADR
EEOC Pre Interview Request Form
03/18/2022 - 0.08MB
This form is utilized when Management is giving a bue a hard time to get official time for an EEO Investigation.
Federal Employee Paid Leave Act
02/03/2022 - 2.51MB
This is a new right we can request in our workplaces as Bues. Please review and if it is applicable use it.